Click here for a parent guide to ELPAC (English, Spanish, Arabic).

Who is responsible for giving the test?

School site staff will be giving the Listening, Reading, and Writing, and Test Assessors from Assessment will be administering the Speaking Test

How will school staff be trained on administering the tests?

School site will be trained via the online training platform, Moodle

How do I attend the Moodle training?

Use this training deck to see how to create a Moodle account and enroll in the course 

Do I still need a TOMS account to administer the tests?

Yes, new TOMS accounts are required every year. If you need a TOMS account created, please email Sara at squarders@guhsd.net.

How do I administer the tests?

Use the training to see how to create a Test Session, and how to Approve and Monitor Students

Important Notes when creating a Test Session: Make sure you are selecting SUMMATIVE ELPAC, make sure to select BOTH grade spans.

Do I need supplies to administer the tests?

Yes, you will receive supplies for both you (Directions for Administration) and for the students (scratch paper, pencils, logon cards, earbuds [stapled to logon cards]) that are required for testing. 

All logon cards and DFAs must be locked up at all times!

What happens if the student is not in my classroom the day I administer the test?

Students should have all three portions of the group test given to them before Sara’s team arrives to administer the Speaking portion of the exam. Please make sure to follow the make-up procedures outlined from your ELPAC Testing AP.

What do I need to do to ensure the classroom is a Secure Testing Environment?

The classroom must be free from all items that can assist the student, and Test Security Protocols must be implemented

If I have a student that is close to RFEP do they still need to test?

Unless the RFEP paperwork has been completed and mailed to EL Programs by January 30, students will show on the roster to be tested (causing undue testing)

How are student accessibility supports entered for students?

Sara will upload accessibility supports for students into TOMS in January.

Link to additional information.

ELPAC Task Types Breakdown

ELPAC Task Types High School

ELPAC Breakdown: Listening

ELPAC Breakdown: Listening Task Types

ELPAC Breakdown: Reading

ELPAC Breakdown: Reading Task Types

ELPAC Breakdown: Speaking

ELPAC Breakdown: Speaking Task Types

ELPAC Breakdown: Writing

ELPAC Breakdown: Writing Task Types
Interim Assessments At-a-Glance.pdf

ELPAC Practice Tests

Student Interface and Training Tests

Note this link may need to be reloaded to refresh the testing interface.

Students can log in as GUEST. Choose their grade and scroll down the tests to English Language Proficiency Assessments (ELPAC) Practice Tests for access to practice working through each test (listening, reading, speaking, and writing) within the testing interface.

9-10 Speaking Directions & Practice Test with Rubrics


9-10 Speaking Practice Test with Rubrics

9-10 ELPAC Speaking Rubrics.pdf

9-10 Listening, Reading, Writing Practice Test 


9-10 Writing Rubrics

9-10 ELPAC Writing Rubrics.pdf

11-12 Speaking Directions & Practice Test with Rubrics


11-12 Speaking Practice Test with Rubrics

11-12 ELPAC Speaking Rubrics.pdf

11-12 Listening, Reading, Writing Practice Test 


11-12 Writing Rubrics

11-12 ELPAC Writing Rubrics.pdf